Creating a positive mindset for actors
Jan 01, 2018
Your Positive Mindset
I play tennis on a fairly regular basis, and on some days I can't do anything right, on other days it's move over Roger Federer!
So what changed? My mindset...
Auditions used to be like that as well...If I got a job I used to call it 'luck", or chance or something else...anything else! But now I know my success is primarily down to my positive-mindset.
So what is a positive mindset?
A combination of your physiology and neurology. A connection on some level of your body and your mind. Here are a few of what we normally call emotional states:
- Confidence
- Sadness
- Joy
- Creativity
- Flow
- Anxiety
- Focus
- Relaxation
- Anger
Each of these words describes a different experience for each person. Start thinking of emotional states you could use in auditions...or in a self tape.
Now, the ability to change your mental state and develop a positive-mindset is essential if you are an actor. It serves you well in so many situations. Just imagine how it would feel if you were at your best - every single time you went for an audition? Or before you went on camera? Before you shot a self tape?
Ok, so before you change any emotional state, it’s a good idea to know where you’re coming from, so…
Step One : Get In Touch With Now
First off, get in touch with where you are now, in this moment...what is your state? Describe it...Name it.
Now your unconscious mind knows where you are it can go ahead and choose somewhere new to go...easy, right?
Step Two : Identify The State You Want
Next identify a powerful emotional state you want for your meeting or audition or self tape. How about confidence? or motivated? Fired up? choose.
Step Three : Recall That State
Think of a time when you were in that state. Remember those feelings easily. Pay most attention to what you saw, what you heard and what you felt...
Step Four : Step In
Step into that powerful emotional state. Put it on like a set of clothes.
As you feel the sensations increase in intensity, squeeze the thumb and forefinger of your left hand gently together for a few moments, then release them.
Now ‘break your state’ (Eg. by remembering what popcorn smells like.)
Squeeze your thumb and forefinger together again, gently pulsing them. The state will return easily...right?
Step Five : Future Pace
Now imagine an upcoming casting call or audition and see yourself performing well in the audition. Really picture it in your mind's eye...Got it?
Run through the entire process with your thumb and finger squeezed together. You will feel as if you are actually there and the feelings will fire off accordingly when you get there - like magic :-)
You have now conditioned your mind for a positive outcome.
My Definition Of Success
3 little things...
1. Identify what works.
2. Identify what doesn’t work
3. Do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t.
Introducing The Pareto Principle
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