About me...

What originally began as a nerve-wracking case of stage fright has turned into an extraordinary  way to help fellow actors achieve remarkable results...

Just an hour before press night, I crashed out of the theatre and raced back to my tiny bedsit. I was not going on stage! I got to the flat. Drew the curtains. Sat in the dark with my head in my hands. Utterly ashamed. Negative thoughts overwhelming me. I was shaking with fear.

I packed my suitcase. Started searching for train timetables.

Out of the blue, the doorbell rang. It was a dear friend of mine. She had taken the time to find me and gently coaxed me back to my senses. To the present moment. She encouraged me to see things differently. She helped me confront my fears, and they started to shrink, to almost dissolve....

I managed to gather the courage to step onto that stage that night and give it everything I had. And you know what? It was enough...

So, after the show ended, I was totally fascinated by what had happened. I mean, seriously, was it me? Was it something I did? Like, what the heck was going on?! It was clear to me I needed to dig deeper into how our brains work but more importantly how they affect us as performers. I went all in, devoured every bit of knowledge I could find, went to seminars, read books, attended courses - I became obsessed with finding top-quality mentors and trainers who could help me unravel the mysteries of the mind. It was one hell of an adventure!

Hey there! This website is perfect for you if you're looking to make any kind of changes to your thoughts, feelings, or behaviours that have an impact on your life or career as an actor or performer. I've already helped more than 3,243 intelligent and sensitive actors just like you achieve the results they desire.

So, why not give it a shot? You see apart from being a working actor (7 x series regular and 90+ IMDB credits) and a produced BBC TV screenwriter I got trained as a holistic high performance coach - I trained to master practitioner level in N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and to the same level of mastery in hypnosis so I can help actors access the most extraordinary part of your self, your unconscious mind where your unique essence lives...💎

And you know what they say "What the mind can conceive it can achieve! "

I'm so glad you're here 

Kind regards

x Nick 

PS - I live in Ireland with my gorgeous wife and daughters quite near the sea and swim whenever I am brave enough. I walk my two Bichon Frise dogs up the most beautiful hill in the world every day and I've supported Arsenal since I was 15 . I binge out on Better Call Saul and Borgen And the White Lotus...and saw David Bowie live 3 times. The tree behind me blossoms in our garden once a year and takes my breath away every year.

If you're interested to see how my about me page feels like it might be about you let's have a chat about that shall we? ...

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