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The Thinker And The Prover - How to 10X Your Success - faster!

actors success brain mind Apr 04, 2016

You may have heard we have two minds, the conscious and the unconscious, right?

Well, here's a way of thinking about that...

The conscious mind is The Thinker.

The unconscious mind is The Prover.

The Thinker can think anything, it can think things like....

"I am weak... I am useless in auditions, I am a failure as an actor..."

It can also think things like...

"I am powerful, I am relaxed and subtle and at ease in my auditions...I have confidence surging through my body right now"

The Prover has an easier job - it does what it is told, so...

It's a good idea to think empowering thoughts, right?

And a first step in changing the way you think habitually is by asking really powerful questions.


  • How can I learn to use my brain in the best way possible?
  • How can I become the most extraordinary actor I can possibly be?
  • How quickly can I develop my new skills an an actor?
  • How can I develop a powerful inner calm in the audition room?
  • How can I radiate a sense of power and warmth meeting producers?
  • When you ask Empowering Questions, your mind HAS to come up with Empowering Answers.

And the reverse is also true.

Don't just take my word for it. Try it...?

Ask yourself a series of negative questions.


  1. How can I feel more nervous in auditions?
  2. How can I let fear ooze from every pore as I read this script?
  3. How can I believe I am the worlds worst actor...

Get the picture...?

Change the way you think - change your life.

Try the positive way one more time...

  • How can I become the most extraordinary actor I can possibly be?
  • How can I use the amazing gifts I've been born with?
  • How can I achieve my destiny faster?
  • How can I "feel good" more and more of the time?
  • How can I increase the positive feelings I have about my work and my life?
  • What answers are springing up from deep within your mind?

Write them down.

Remember them.

They are YOURS.

Fly with the eagles!

Kind regards,

Nick Dunning


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