ENROLL in The Action Club
Melissa Philips
Building an acting career has become even tougher, hasn't it?
These days, it's all about posting online non-stop to get the gigs.
And then you the actor have to be vulnerable on screen AND have the skin of a rhinoceros. And guess what? You have to do it all yourself!
It's tough enough to make ends meet, let alone get anyone to notice you or give you a chance to shine. And casting directors? They never reply anyway, do they? But you're a person with a burning desire to share your work with more people and make a real impact in the world.
...before they start working with me, you might be feeling a bit beat up by it all.
You may have even started thinking to yourself, how long can I keep this up without seeing any real results?
What most actors don't realise is that there are literally thousands of new actors entering the industry from drama schools and colleges all over the world every month, and unfortunately, most of them fail and drop out without even knowing why...
...and if you haven't yet reached the level of success that you want in your career, chances are you might be making some of the same mistakes they are.
You just get a better Agent, right?...
It's your brain that trips you up on the morning of "that audition". And it's your thoughts that makes you withdraw and act all small. Plus, it's your thoughts that causes you to crash and burn in a self tape...
Seriously, it's your thinking that stitches the words "fear" and "self-doubt" into the fabric of your life.
But it's not your fault, okay? None of this is on you...
So, there's this part of your brain NeuroScientists call the Amygdala.
It's the part of you that messes things up and brings you down, like when a casting director ignores you or an agent forgets to mention your new headshots. Yeah, that part. Basically, it's your thoughts keeping you stuck!
And if you're not careful, that sneaky bit can run the whole fr&*king show!
It doesn't matter how great your agent is or how cool your showreel is if your mind is in shock your results will be shocking!
The thing is, if you don't learn to handle your mindset, it's gonna mess you up and drain you. And you know what's even worse?
You run the risk of not being seen by anyone. It's like adding frustration on top of despair, and before you know it, you're just stumbling through life, ready to throw in the towel like so many actors already have... But please, hear me out...
If you're anything like me, you probably learned to think this way because of the school you went to, the teacher who taught you, or the parents who raised you (all of which happened to me, by the way!). And you know what? That's totally okay. It's all you knew.
But guess what? Things are about to change!
When you have this "Oliver Twist Mindset," you're always playing it safe and small. Everything feels like a big deal or a massive risk. Instead of diving in head first and going all-in, you're tiptoeing around the edges of your dreams. It's time to back yourself, trust yourself, and believe you can succeed.
But with the "Oliver Twist Mindset," there's a constant need for approval, a beg for reassurance. It creates a desperate longing for safety and security. These needs will poison your dreams and keep you trapped, cowering in the corner of your cell.
Repeating the same mistakes, you'll find yourself fearful and underpaid. Don't let that happen.
If your dream of becoming an A-List Actor feels unrealistic, it's time to let go of the "Oliver Twist Mindset." Time to let go of those old negative thought patterns.
Believe me, there is a way out.
The Action Club isn't your typical training course, my friend. It's a multi-module revitalising process that's gonna blow your mind! It's gonna transform you, change you, and challenge you in ways you've never imagined. And guess what? It's gonna MOOOOOOve you, like seriously shift your thinking about who you are and WHAT you can achieve!
Say goodbye to that struggling actor inside with it's “Oliver Twist Mindset” say hello to a laser-focused professional with a burning desire... equipped with revolutionary neurological skills. These skills are gonna turn you into an A-List Actor, my friend. You'll be attracting those high-profile, lucrative acting gigs any day now. And trust me, it's gonna feel so easy-peasy! 😎
You'll Discover:
They clog us up and drag us down. But hey, we can pinpoint them and release them, easily and effortlessly. 🌟
And guess what else? Once we have that clarity, we can focus on the right mental tasks to build our acting career the way we want. No more wasting time on irrelevant non-career-boosting activities.
Oh, and get this! We'll refresh what casting directors think they know about us. We'll deliver performances that make them feel excited and make us feel centred and proud! 😎
But wait, there's more!
We'll have a whole bunch of self-tape gear guides, in-flight checklists, and precision manuals that'll light up the runway for us, for a long time to come. ✈️
Not only that, but we'll also bring in these magical unconscious methods to dissolve those stubborn and gnarly emotional problems. We'll resolve them easily, with a zing and a ding and a zap! 🥁
Here's another thing, we gotta let go of everything we think we know about building an acting career. We'll review it, refine it, and then polish it, like a shiny diamond. 💎
And you know what? We'll crush your fear of failure and topple your fear of success. And then, my friend, you'll fly—like an eagle—because the only way is up. 🦅
...and that is exactly what Katie Sheridan thought
...before she listened to Audition Accelerator (Which is yours for free when you become a member of T.A.C btw. :-)
Katie made over £21,045.87 UKPounds after just one listening. Who doesn't want that ?
You'll experience an incredible sense of ease and satisfaction as you unlock your newfound capabilities. You'll double your mental toughness and triple your influence skills, and guess what? You'll finally achieve that sense of inner peace you've been longing for. No more fighting with yourself or being hard on yourself. You'll become more in tune with your true self, and acting will feel like pure joy again. It'll be like going out to play, I mean work, and feeling like a 5-year-old all over again!
You can join The Action Club TODAY by clicking hereThe Action Club is like bite-sized nuggets of brain-based brilliance! These neuro-scientific nuggets take just 5-7 mins to digest. You can totally munch at your own pace. No rush, no pressure! Each nugget opens up new pathways for you to walk towards your own set of "unique" acting dreams. I mean, those ⚡️ dreams! So exciting, right?
You can join The Action Club TODAY by clicking here"I met Nick at exactly the right time to take my work to the next level. When I started with Nick I felt rusty and I didn't really trust myself...after coaching with Nick I booked a role in an American feature film and three commercials!"
"...I had a coaching session with Nick a few weeks ago and I found it really really helpful. It just sort of re-calibrated me, reminded me that I actually enjoy my job and made me enjoy my self taping again and auditioning and stuff...
...and since then I've gotten a short film and a role in a feature... So that means, the coaching must work, it's also just really quick, and just like, straightforward, so if you're any having any trouble I would give it a go.
So thank you Nick"
Recently seen as star of hit RTE drama KIN
Clare Dunne : at the Award Ceremony for the European Shooting Stars 2022 as part of the 72nd Berlinale International Film Festival Berlin at Berlinale Palast in Berlin, Germany.
"I am in London working with James Nesbitt on Lucky Man for SKY Atlantic, I've an offer from an agency on Warwick St, I'm needed for the new Nissan campaign and I'm meeting Debbie McWilliams (James Bond Casting) for a series regular on a Cable TV show, and my bag is stuffed with call sheets, sides and highlighted scripts."
And that's what a lot of struggling actors think...
But let me tell you something, and trust me, it's not just an ordinary thing. It's pure gold-plated nonsense! Here's the deal: everyone, I mean EVERYONE, has a chance to succeed in this business. I genuinely believe that your success is inevitable, my friend. So, let me ask you this: why don't you believe it yet?
Think about it. How much is it costing you to stumble around like Oliver Twist? Where do you think your career will be in a year if you're still glued to the conveyor belt of small thoughts? And don't even get me started on five years from now!
The Action Club is the game-changer you've been waiting for.
Trust me, after going through it, you'll have a complete blueprint for an acting career that will blow your mind. It will bring out your natural secrets and set the industry on fire! Lights, camera, action! 🎥💥🌟🚀
Listen, it says promising actors like you should get stuck, making the same mistakes over and over again. It says you should stay broke! All it does is bring pain, frustration, and heartache. It's what keeps you chained to those brain-numbing side hustles you can't stand, just to pay the bills! And let's not forget the endless sleepless nights it gives you. Remember that "special self-tape" morning when bags appeared under your eyes?
It's like you look in the mirror and scream, "What did you do to me!?" But we're not losing hope here, OK? We won't let that happen!
And Now It's YOUR Turn!
The Action Club is the fastest way to kickstart an A-List Acting Career on the planet!
For a real life peek inside The Action Club check out the video at the bottom of the page...:-)
For questions or help with anything contact customer care at [email protected]
That will transform the way you approach your life, your career and "The Business"...
But wait, there's more! When you join The Action Club today, you'll get not one, not two, but FOUR massive bonuses to supercharge your progress. Your success will skyrocket and you'll have tools that make everything a breeze! It's as easy as pie! Starting with...
Pop on your headphones and listen. That's it. Your ideal performance state in minutes not months.
Create a powerful, persuasive, performance that delivers. Your secret weapon!
We go live on Zoom and you get to ask all the questions buzzing around your brain, about the programme, about the business and about your life and career as an actor!
You'll also get the added bonus of Social Learning from other actors who are at different stages of development by actively asking questions and having them answered in new ways and in different modalities (Perfect if you have a preference for Visual, Auditory or Feeling based language)
Powerful Methods To Maximise the Materials That Matter with extra golden tips and insight from Nick
We know you sometimes spend most of your days alone so this group is safe and warm and welcoming and supportive.
Invited guests and specialist speakers from all areas of the industry on video in conversation with Nick including casting directors, directors, agents and actors...
Examples include:
Every actor needs to master this vital skill - learn from the Number 1 Expert on The planet.
Katie has been earning extra income as a You Tube Sponsor
Learn from the best
Game Of Thrones, Moonstone, Red Rock, Disney and Dyslexia
To DO or NOT to DO?
The first choice is to do nothing. if you choose nothing. Nothing changes.
If You don't NAIL your Mindset you'll Remain Unheard and Unknown
And UNKNOWN means you'll stay broke and miserable!
I helped hundreds of Actors amplify their gifts and skills last year, NOW I want to help YOU!
For questions or help with anything contact customer care at [email protected]
The Action Club is 100% Risk FREE
If you get in the programme and decide it's not for you, I want you to ask for your money back!
No jumping through hoops. No explanation Required. No "Awkwardness".
Send me an email within 30 days by clicking the link below for a full refund.
[email protected]Your most popular questions answered
Below are some of the most common questions that I get. But if what you need to know isn't listed here then simply...
Contact my customer support team at [email protected]
Great Question!
The Action Club was specifically created with actors who have a passion for acting and an obsession for "the business" in mind.
We ALL start out as a blank page :-)
If you are just starting out as an actor as a member of The Action Club you will be developing the skills on a daily weekly and monthly basis that will help you leapfrog those actors who choose to do nothing. So yes it is a good fit.
And you are ALWAYS protected by my 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, right?
The Action Club materials are released regularly and it will always be there for you as long as you remain a member, so you can choose to go at your own pace so you can you learn your new skills quickly and easily
I'm sure you already know that confidence in yourself and your self belief will make an enormous difference to your mindset and when you feel more confident inside your visibility and desire for change will continue to grow so you will become more visible on the outside and grow quicker than you ever thought possible
What this means is you can test out the whole kit and caboodle for 30 days, check it all out, test it, listen to audios, read the booklets, watch the videos, download a few videos, really get involved and if it's not for you within 30 days just drop me a line and I'll give you all your money back.
Instantly. No Fuss. NO HASSLE. Nada.
All you need to access this material easily is an Internet connection. That's it :-)
It is so simple, and you can watch listen and read everything on your phone laptop or desktop and tablet.
It really is that easy😎
You will begin work immediately on your transformation into an A-list Actor with a high profile career in the industry when you enroll in The Action Club today.
There are warm welcoming videos to get you started and you can contact me about anything you need 😎
Oh goodness me yes!
You can contact me via email Facebook, Messenger Instagram Twitter anything you like really… Ha ha ha X
One of the biggest needle movers in The Action Club is the speed of my response. It means you can get an honest answer almost instantly to your most pressing question.
For example once had an actor who texted me half an hour before A very important audition as she was in a right state to be honest… I just directed her towards Audition Accelerator. She popped into a cafe, listened to it head and went in and nailed the interview.
She is now represented by one of the top agents in the UK.
How cool is that?
So yes!
You can easily get in touch by clicking here
Let me show you what else is inside T.A.C. when you become a member...
For questions or help with anything contact customer care at [email protected]
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